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Oral hygienist

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining good oral health can provide many benefits, such as preventing tooth decay, gum disease and other problems related to the mouth. A dental hygienist is a professional who specialises in providing comprehensive oral care and a crucial role in maintaining healthy oral health.

What is a dental hygienist?

A dental hygienist is a medical professional who specialises in preventing and treating oral and gum disease. They work closely with dentists and perform tasks such as cleaning teeth, removing tartar and plaque, and providing instruction on good oral hygiene.

The importance of oral hygiene

Een goede mondhygiëne is van vitaal belang om de gezondheid van uw tanden en tandvlees te behouden. Hier zijn enkele redenen waarom mondhygiëne zo belangrijk is:

Prevention of tooth decay

By regularly brushing your teeth and cleaning between your teeth (interdental), you can remove plaque and bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Controlling bad breath

Bad breath can be caused by bacteria in the mouth. A dental hygienist can give advice on how to maintain fresh breath.

Maintaining healthy gums

Healthy gums are essential for strong teeth and a bright smile. Oral hygienists can help maintain healthy gums through regular checkups and treatments.

Duties of a dental hygienist

Oral hygienists perform various tasks to improve oral health.

Dental cleaning

Dental hygienists can safely remove tartar with special instruments. Tartar is a hard substance that forms when plaque calcifies.

Instructions for good oral hygiene

Oral hygienists give advice on proper techniques for brushing teeth and cleaning between the teeth/teeth. They teach you how to take care of your mouth effectively.

Treating gum disease

If you suffer from gum disease, a dental hygienist can perform treatments to improve the health of your gums and prevent further damage.

Applying protective devices

Oral hygienists apply special agents, such as fluoride treatments and/or antibacterial mouthwashes

Oral hygiene tips for home

Besides regular visits to the dental hygienist, there are some important oral hygiene tips you can follow at home.

Brushing teeth

Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to clean your tongue as well.

Clean between your teeth

Use floss, brushes or toothpicks to clean between your teeth.

Limiting sugar intake

Limit your sugar intake as sugar can contribute to tooth decay. The maximum recommended food intake per day is 7 times.

Healthy food for a healthy mouth

A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables as this contributes to a healthy mouth and gums.

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